Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JUNE 2021 {Gen2}

Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JUNE 2021 {Gen2} Torrent Indir

Seeds 35 Peers 12
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Office 2019 tr-ABD HAZİRAN 2021 dahil olmak üzere Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H1

Versiyon 21H1 Derlemesi

* Depolamak:

* Boyut: 5.21GB

* Biçim: Taşınabilir ISO

* CRC32: f5a1853e

* MD5: f93cbe8cc44f86ec8a4f24556a5e4ebd

* SHA-1: b4421decd05adb86a72f170b8af07482d5572593

Bağlı / Önceden Ayarlanmış:

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64bit

* Depolama Hizmeti:


* Genel Güncellemeler:


*. ağ sistemi

* Genel güncellemeler

*.NET Çerçevesi ve:



* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 ProPlus

* Sürücüler: HWID ve KMS çevrimiçi

* UEFI’ye hazır

* (UEFI’yi önyüklenebilir hale getirmek için ekteki Rufus USB aracını kullanın)

* Teşhis ve kurtarma aracı (yalnızca)

* dönüş formatı için sıkıştırılmış()

* Rufus ile önyüklenebilir bir USB oluşturun (şiddetle tavsiye edilir),

* (sabit) veya düşük hızda DVD-DL’ye yazdırın.

* Windows_Addict, Windows etkinleştirme betiklerinin yazarı

* Umarım bu versiyonu beğenirsiniz!


*2. nesil

* Windows 10 Pro X64 19H2 pt-BR KASIM 2019

* Versiyon 1909 yapısı

* Office 2019 ProPlus entegre edilmiştir

* Depolamak:

* Boyut: 4,88 GB

* Biçim: Taşınabilir ISO

* CRC32: e029a6e1

* MD5: 61a26de42db11147f481c3240c56e166

* SHA-1: 684ca1c8b635619f5a4776aa54d2b1319284474a


Bağlı / Önceden Ayarlanmış:

* NET çerçevesi

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64bit

* Hizmet katmanı güncellemesi:


* Genel Güncellemeler:


* Genel güncellemeler

* .NET Çerçevesi ve:


* Flash Player Güvenlik Güncellemesi:


Kurulum / Kurulum Sonrasını Tamamlayın:

* Geliştirilmiş koruma


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 Pro Plus VL

* Sürücüler: HWID ve KMS çevrimiçi

* UEFI’ye hazır

* (UEFI’yi önyüklenebilir hale getirmek için ekteki Rufus USB aracını kullanın)

* Teşhis ve Kurtarma Aracı (Microsoft DaRT)

* dönüş formatı için sıkıştırılmış()

* Rufus ile önyüklenebilir bir USB oluşturun (şiddetle tavsiye edilir),

* (sabit) veya düşük hızda DVD-DL’ye yazdırın.

* WindowsAddict, Windows etkinleştirme betiklerinin yazarı

* Umarım bu versiyonu beğenirsiniz!


*2. nesil

Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JUNE 2021 {Gen2}

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  • Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H1 incl Office 2019 en-US JUNE 2021 {Gen2} Torrent
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Torrent rating 44 1


Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager 3.7.3 Multilingual -  Crack

Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager 3.7.3 Multilingual – Crack baixar

Seeds 19 Peers 21
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager é um software de sistema para otimizar, depurar, reparar limpar Windows 10. Ele aumentará a velocidade do sistema, reduzirá os erros do sistema, melhorará a segurança do sistema atenderá aos seus requisitos.

Este programa é uma ferramenta abrangente projetada especificamente para Microsoft Windows 10. Ele contém mais de quarenta programas que ajudarão a otimizar, modificar, limpar, acelerar reparar Windows 10. Ele pode ajudá-lo a acelerar sistema, corrigir erros do sistema, aumentar estabilidade segurança personalize sua cópia do Windows 10. Ele pode superar todas as suas expectativas.

Recursos Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager

Crie um ponto de restauração do sistema manualmente.

Ele ajustará seu sistema para melhorar desempenho aumentar a velocidade

Ele obterá informações detalhadas sobre seu sistema hardware

Isso ajudará a encontrar a chave do produto Microsoft

Gerencia configura menu de inicialização do Windows de acordo com suas preferências

Gerencia otimiza os serviços drivers do sistema para melhorar desempenho

Ele ajustará os parâmetros do sistema de acordo com suas preferências

Melhora sistema, componentes, UAC, configurações de login, ajusta várias configurações

Otimiza melhora sua conexão com a Internet configurações de rede

Cria tarefas agendadas ou monitores que acionam tarefas

Divide um arquivo em vários arquivos menores ou mescla de volta ao arquivo original

Super Copy é uma ferramenta poderosa para copiar arquivos ou fazer backup deles automaticamente

Gerencia registro facilmente com ferramentas de registro

Requisitos do sistema detalhes técnicos

SO suportado: Windows 10

RAM (memória): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recomendado)

Espaço livre no disco rígido: 200 MB ou mais

Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager 3.7.3 Multilingual -  Crack

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Torrent rating 10 1


Windows 11 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD pt-BR APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

Windows 11 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD pt-BR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} Download

Seeds 26 Peers 21
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Windows 11 X64 21H2 10u1 OEM ESD pt-BR APRIL 2022.

Version 21H2 Build

No TPM or Secure Boot required

* File:

* Size: 4.57 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: 6cb4a138

* MD5: fc781d82ff6e4f6f35637b1083f38589

* SHA-1: d4291eb96d25fefbdb8e42a4b158ec3e40835eed

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Service set:


* Cumulative update:


* NET framework

* Cumulative update for

* NET Framework and:



* Windows 11 Home – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 11 Pro – – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 11 Education – STD / DLA

* Windows 11 Enterprise – STD/DLA

* STD = Standard Installation – For those with their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)

* OEM – activated automatically when installed

* same version on original equipment

* UEFI ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to enable UEFI boot)

* Diagnostic and repair tools (only)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB (recommended) with Rufus,

* (on) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* We hope you enjoy this release!

* Hello,

* Generation 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD pt-BR JUNE 2022.

Version 21H2 Build

* File:

* Size: 4.58 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: 6f21e294

* MD5: 181ea24ed97252d5fe9a25d91b2e5a7b

* SHA-1: 66cf7b838c5081b82fcfd9e59e076e8b84fc0d8c

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Service set:


* Cumulative update:


* NET framework

* Cumulative update for

* NET Framework and:



* Windows 11 Pro – STD

* Windows 11 Pro – DLA

* Windows 11 Pro – OEM

* STD = Standard Installation – For those with their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)

* OEM – activated automatically when installed

* same version on original equipment

* UEFI ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to enable UEFI boot)

* Diagnostic and repair tools (only)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB (recommended) with Rufus,

* (on) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* We hope you enjoy this release!

* Hello,

* Generation 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD pt-BR APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

  • Windows 11 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD pt-BR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} Download
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Torrent rating 31 4


Windows 11 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.10.13

Windows 11 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.10.13 Download

Seeds 22 Peers 48
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Desktop- und Malware-Scan-Screenshots:

(#) Änderungen:

* Neueste Windows 11 22H2 x64-Updates von (September).2022 – (Oktober).2022 hinzugefügt: KB5017160 (ersetzt KB5015021) | KB5017271 (ersetzt KB5017029) | KB5017590 (ersetzt KB5016773) | KB5018427 (ersetzt KB5007575, KB5011048, KB5017024, KB5017328).

* Aktualisierte Sicherheitsupdates für Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) von der x64-Version auf „“.

* Windows-Tool zum Entfernen bösartiger Software (KB890830-v5) für x64 von „“ auf „aktualisiert.

* Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 von „“ auf „aktualisiert.

* Microsoft Visual C++ 2015–2022 Deployable x86/x64 von „“ auf „aktualisiert.

* Das Online-Installationsprogramm für Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 wurde von „“ auf „aktualisiert.

* Mozilla Firefox x64 von „“ auf „aktualisiert.


(o o)

—————oOOo-(_)-oOOo————- ——— ———————–

Windows 11 22H2 16in1 fi-US x64 – Ultimate Edition

Für Fehlerberichte und Fragen besuchen Sie bitte

============================================== = ========================

(#) Systemanforderungen für Windows 11 haben Vorrang:

* Es funktioniert für Neuinstallationen und Upgrade-Szenarien.

1. Keine Trusted Platform Module (TPM)-Überprüfung.

2. Keine sichere Boot-Überprüfung.

3. Keine Prüfung der Mindest-CPU (CPU).

4. Keine Prüfung auf mindestens 4 GB RAM.

5. Keine Überprüfung des Mindestspeichers von 64 GB.

* Im Update-Menü sehen Sie das Wort „Server“ anstelle von „11“, das ist normal, es ist Teil eines Tricks, um alle Systemanforderungen zu umgehen.

* Wenn Sie beim Upgrade keinen Produktschlüssel haben, verwenden Sie den generischen Produktschlüssel aus der ISODisc-Datei „.sources“.

(#) Windows 11-Updates:

* Alle Windows 11 22H2 x64-Updates enthalten (bis Oktober 2022:

1. KB890830-v5 – Windows-Tool zum Entfernen bösartiger Software, Version

2. KB2267602 – Sicherheitsupdates für Windows Defender Antivirus

3. KB4052623 – Update für Windows Defender Antivirus Platform, Ver

4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge (Chrome)-Version

5. KB5012170 – Sicherheitsupdate für Secure Boot DBX.

6. KB5017160 – Sicheres dynamisches Betriebssystem-Update für Windows 11, Version 22H2.

7. KB5017271 – Kumulatives Update für .NET Framework und Windows 11, Version 22H2.

8. KB5017590 – So konfigurieren Sie Dynamic Update für Windows 11, Version 22H2.

9. KB5018427 – Kumulatives Update für Windows 11, Version 22H2 (Betriebssystemversion).

(#) Windows 11-Laufzeitbibliotheken:

* DirectX End User Runtime (Juni 2010) x86/x64.

* Visual C++ 2002 x86 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2003 x86 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2005 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2008 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ 2015-2022 x86/x64 Weiterverteilbar.

* Visual Basic x86-Laufzeit.

* Visual Basic x86-Laufzeit.

* Visual Basic x86-Laufzeit.

* Visual Basic x86-Laufzeit.

* AusführungVisual Basic x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86 (SP6-Update KB3096896).

(#) Standardeinstellungen von Windows 11:

* .NET Framework = Installiert.

* Automatische OneDrive-Installation = deaktiviert.

* Sammlung von Diagnoseinformationen = Nicht verwendet.

* Alle Dateierweiterungen anzeigen = Aktiviert.

* Versteckte Dateien, Ordner und Laufwerke anzeigen = Aktiviert.

* Taskleistenelemente: Suche, Widgets, Chat = Aus.

* Dateifortschrittsdialog = detailliert.

* Windows-Designfarbe = Sturm.

* Akzentfarbe des Windows-Designs = Aktiviert.

* Browser-Medien-Autoplay = Deaktiviert.

*Standardbrowser = Firefox.

* Standard-Mediaplayer = Media Player Classic.

* Standarddateiarchiv = 7-zip.

(#) Zusätzliche Anfragen:

* Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (Online-Installationsprogramm).

* 7-Zip x64 (mit einigen Voreinstellungen).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (mit einigen Voreinstellungen).

* K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 (mit einigen vorkonfigurierten Einstellungen).

* OpenHashTab x86/x64.

(#) Windows 11 x64-Versionen:

* Enterprise bietet die meisten Funktionen.

Windows 11 Home Single Language

Windows 11 Home

Windows 11 Home N

Windows 11 Pro

Windows 11 Professional N

Windows 11 Pro Education

Windows 11 Pro Education N

Windows 11 Pro für Desktops

Windows 11 Pro für N-Workstations

Windows 11-Schulung

Windows 11 Education N

Windows 11 Enterprise

Windows 11 Enterprise N

Windows 11 Enterprise Multisitzungs-/virtuelle Desktops

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise

Windows 11-Team

* Beschreibung der Windows 11-Versionen:

* Beschreibung von Windows 11 N:

(#) Allgemein:

* Alle Windows 11-Sprachpakete können direkt im Menü „Spracheinstellungen“ unter „Einstellungen – Zeitsprache – Sprache – Sprache hinzufügen“ heruntergeladen werden.

* Dieses Windows 11 befand sich nicht im Überwachungsmodus und wurde mit dem Microsoft DISM-Tool kompiliert und basierte auf der x64-Quelle von Windows 11 in den USA.

* Alle enthaltenen Add-ons können im Ordner ISODisc „.sources$OEM$“ bearbeitet oder gelöscht werden (durch das Löschen des Ordners OEM$ werden auch Update Nr. 1 und Update Nr. 4 gelöscht).

* Sie können Ihre eigene vordefinierte Angebotsseite konfigurieren, indem Sie die Dateien „initial_preferences“ und „“ mit einem Texteditor im ISODisc-Ordner „.sources$OEM$“ oder im Festplattenordner „C:“ bearbeiten. „Programme“ und „C:Programme (x86)“.

* Der Windows 11-Aktivator ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten, es wird jedoch eine Textdatei mit einem direkten Download-Link zu einem gut funktionierenden Aktivator auf dem Desktop abgelegt.

* Systemanforderungen (mindestens|empfohlen): 1|3 GigaHertz x64-Prozessor, 2|4 Kerne, 2|8 GB RAM, DirectX 12-Grafikkarte, 30|120 GB freier Festplattenspeicher.

(#) So führen Sie eine Neuinstallation von Windows 11 durch:

1. Brennen Sie die Windows 11-ISO-Datei mit einem Brun-Programm wie CDBurnerXP() auf DVD oder verwenden Sie Rufus(), um ein bootfähiges USB-Laufwerk mit der Windows 11-ISO-Datei zu erstellen.

2. Sichern Sie Ihre wichtigen Dateien auf einem separaten Laufwerk.

3. Sie können verhindern, dass Sie versehentlich ein Windows 11 Online-Konto erstellen oder auf einen Kontofehler (anderer Benutzer) stoßen, indem Sie sich von Ihrem Computer abmeldenInternet vor der Installation.

4. Wählen Sie „Benutzerdefiniert: Nur Windows installieren (Erweitert)“ aus dem Windows 11-Installationsmenü.

5. Löschen Sie alle alten Windows-Partitionen und klicken Sie dann auf die Schaltfläche „Installieren“ (achten Sie sehr darauf, die richtige Festplatte auszuwählen).

Windows 11 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.10.13

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Torrent rating 17 4


Avid Pro Tools HD 10.3.0 Windows (Patch-V.R)

Avid Pro Tools HD 10.3.0 Windows (Patch-V.R) Torrent Baixar

Seeds 34 Peers 38
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Novos recursos no Pro Tools HD 10

* Obtenha os mesmos novos excelentes recursos do Pro Tools 10

* Crie mixagens muito maiores, até 768 faixas de áudio 512 faixas adicionais*

* Obtenha gravação reprodução rápidas com cache de disco avançado que carrega sessões inteiras na RAM

* Conecte-se a 12 sistemas Pro Tools HD via satélite

* Obtenha fluxos de trabalho aprimorados para registradores de campo

* Controle dois sistemas Pro Tools HD com console D-Command no modo multi

* Obtenha mais faixas suporte para streaming com Avid ISIS

Requisitos de sistema do Pro Tools HD 10

sistemas Windows

* Computador: Um computador qualificado executando Windows Avid (ver detalhes)

* Software do sistema (32 bits ou 64 bits) Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional ou Ultimate Edition com Windows 7 Service Pack 1

* RAM total do sistema: mínimo de 4 GB, 8 GB (ou mais) recomendados.

Requisitos adicionais

* Pro Tools|HD Audio Interfaces (necessário) periféricos (ver detalhes)

* Requisitos da unidade de áudio: Um ou mais discos rígidos dedicados à gravação reprodução de áudio (ver detalhes)

* Disco rígido do sistema: São necessários pelo menos 15 GB de espaço livre no disco rígido para instalar Pro Tools

* Placa de vídeo: recomenda-se uma placa de vídeo dedicada (ver detalhes)

* Vídeo periférico (ver detalhes)

* Avid Shared Storage and Interplay (ver detalhes)

Opções de software Pro Tools

* Companheiro de vídeo com compositor multimídia (ver detalhes)

* Controle da máquina (ver detalhes)

* Comunicação por satélite (ver detalhes)

* Vídeo Satélite LE (ver detalhes)


* Co-instalação do Media Composer (ver detalhes)

* Informações agregadas sobre dispositivo Mac (mais detalhes)

Atualizar drivers

* Baixe instale os drivers mais recentes para seu hardware.

Idiomas: inglês (EUA), francês, alemão, japonês, chinês (simplificado), chinês (tradicional), coreano, espanhol.

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Torrent rating 20 0


Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} torrent download

Seeds 15 Peers 39
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro including Office 2021 Friday-Friday April 2022

Version 21H2 Construction

* The file:

* Size: 5.70 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: 94bba19e

* MD5: 56ed2d9375631b2ad1ac333183cb8d45

* SHA-1: 3a071244c2b5accfd6a6be6175e8209ad32cf41c

Integrated / Pre-installed:

*Office LTSC 2021 ProPlus

*Service group:


* Cumulative update:


*.NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

*.NET Framework and:



*Windows 11 Pro

*Office 2021 ProPlus

* Trigger: KMS_VL_ALL

* UEFI ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to be able to boot to UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (only)

*compressed in recovery format()

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* abbodi1406, author of activation script

* I hope you enjoy this release!

* Greetings,

* Generation2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3 in 1 OEM ESD PT-BR Apr 2022.

Version 21H2 Construction

* The file:

*Size: 4.42GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: 7892e872

* MD5: a0ebf7f995044e31de1ad1bbe59eb9f2

* SHA-1: 78549d9ba92d92b17e56f8aae0f3b94aa5b87804

Integrated / Pre-installed:

*Service group:


* Cumulative update:


*.NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

*.NET Framework and:



* Windows 11 Pro – STD

* Windows 11 Pro-DLA

* Windows 11 Pro-OEM

* STD = Standard Installation – For those with their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HVID)

* OEM: Will be activated automatically if installed

* same version in original equipment

* UEFI ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to be able to boot to UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (only)

*compressed in recovery format()

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of Windows activation script

* I hope you enjoy this release!

* Greetings,

* Generation2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

  • Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} Download
  • Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} torrent
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Torrent rating 37 3


Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} Download

Seeds 43 Peers 23
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro with Office 2021 Fr-FR APRIL 2022

Version 21H2 Build

* File:

* Size: 5.70 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO


*MD5: 56ed2d9375631b2ad1ac333183cb8d45


Integrated / pre-installed:

*LTSC 2021 ProPlus office

* Handling Stack:


* Mass update:


* NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

*NET Framework and:



* Windows 11 Pro

* Office 2021 Pro Plus

* Activator: KMS_VL_ALL

* UEFI ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB utility to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (only)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB (strongly recommended) with Rufus,

* (included) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* abbodi1406, author of the activation script

* Hope you enjoy this release!

* Praise,

* Generation 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD pt-BR JUNE 2022

Version 21H2 Build

* File:

* Size: 4.58GB

* Format: Bootable ISO


*MD5: 181ea24ed97252d5fe9a25d91b2e5a7b


Integrated / pre-installed:

* Handling Stack:


* Mass update:


* NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

*NET Framework and:



* Windows 11 Pro – STD

* Windows 11 Pro – FOR

* Windows 11 Pro – OEM

* STD = Standard Install – For those who have their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)

* OEM – activates automatically during installation

* the same version in the original equipment

* UEFI ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB utility to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (only)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB (strongly recommended) with Rufus,

* (included) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this release!

* Praise,

* Generation 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

  • Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} torrent download
  • Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro incl Office 2021 fr-FR APRIL 2022 {Gen2} Download
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Torrent rating 28 1


Letters Home 2023

Letters Home 2023 download full movie torrent

Seeds 48 Peers 35
Share Ratio

Good torrent


A smart but hopelessly clumsy boy who has just arrived with his family in a small Midwestern town despairs that he will never be able to fit in. But as the years go by, he realizes that his adopted hometown has become more of a part of his identity than he ever dreamed of. Possible.

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Torrent rating 22 2


Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO

Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO torrent

Seeds 39 Peers 41
Share Ratio

Good torrent


Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO

Note: This setup file contains Windows 10 Professional and
Start Windows 10. Check your product keys to determine
products are included in your subscription

Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 Pro is designed for small and medium-sized businesses, allowing
organizations to manage their devices and applications, protect their corporate data
facilitating remote and mobile scenarios and using the cloud
technology for their organizations. Except small and medium
businesses, Windows 10 Pro devices would be a good fit for organizations
supports CYOD programs

Home Windows 10
Windows 10 Home is the best Windows 10 experience for everyday users
It offers a familiar and personal experience combined with new innovations for
get things done and have more fun. New features include: new website
a browser designed to do things online; Windows Hello which providers use one
warm welcome and comfortable connection*; and great new multitasking features
including multi-application screenshot and virtual desktop creation
for more space

File Name: Language: English
SHA1: 60CCE9E9C6557335B4F7B18D02CFE2B438A8B3E2

NOTE: This is a clean ISO with no mods. There is no activator in torrent. You can download the activator from here

Clean Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 ISO

Windows 10 Enterprise builds on Windows 10 Pro by adding premium features
designed to meet the needs of large and medium-sized companies
(including large academic institutions) as extended protection
against modern security threats, full flexibility in operating system deployment
upgrade options and support; as well as the general device and
application management and control capabilities

File name: Language: English
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